
Every website we design and build is bespoke and tailored to our clients requirements. It is therefore very difficult to have a fixed price as all websites are different. The way we price a website is based simply on the time it takes to build the site. In the sections below we have provided a summary of Where We Start with regards to scoping out the work required to design and build a website, a few Example Website Specifications & Prices and a list of Additional Costs that may be required.

To find out more about how we can help you with a new website or refreshing an existing site:

Call us on 01273 726989

Email us at

Where Do We Start?
When we first talk we will ask you the following questions and discuss in as much detail as possible your goals, objectives and ideas;
What is the website for: e.g. to sell products / share information / drive customer contact / promote a specific service / a combination
Who is the website targeting: domestic consumers / businesses / specific interests or hobbies / clubs and societies…?
Where are your targeting: local / national / international / a combination
Do you have ideas that you want for the website: the way it looks / some sort of functionality / images / fonts / logos…?
Have you seen other websites that you like: not just competitors but any site anywhere…?
Likewise have you seen anything you don’t like on a website…?

We will learn as much from you as we can and then we will go away and investigate. We’ll look at your target audience, your market place, your competitors and when we are comfortable that we understand your requirements, we’ll write a proposal that explains in detail what we’ll do, how we’ll do it, how long it will take and how much it costs. We will email this document to you and then arrange a time to go through it.

We have lots of experience designing and building all manner of websites and we are confident that we know how long things take. Our price will reflect the time we genuinely believe it will take to build the site to the highest standard. If we over estimate and we can finish the site earlier than expected, we will reduce our costs accordingly. If we under estimate and the site takes longer than expected then that’s our loss. We will not increase an agreed price, unless the scope of the project changes during the build and that’s something that will be up to you.

Example Website Spec & Prices
PLEASE NOTE, THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE PRICES ARE EXAMPLES – Each website is different and the cost of building a website is based on the time it takes. When we scope the project with you and write a proposal, we will include timelines and costs.

Additional Costs
  • Domain Name Licence Purchase & Registration: At cost; currently £9 / year for a domain and £11 / year for a .com domain
  • Website Hosting: Starts at £50.00 / year for a website requiring 2Gb server space. The size of the website determines the size of the space required. 2Gb is usually sufficient for most standard brochure websites, it really depends on how much data the website stores.
    For example: If your website has 10 pages with writing and images on each page and you are not capturing and storing customer information onto the site, 2Gb should be fine. If it is an e-Commerce website with 1,000 products, dozens of pages of additional content and you are capturing customer information via contact forms, the website will need more than 2Gb. When we scope the project with you and write a proposal, we will include a cost for the hosting package that you will need.
  • Ongoing Management: Once the initial project is complete and the website is live, we charge £65 per hour for any ongoing work required on the website. This includes any agreed maintenance program and any changes you ask us to make to the site as time goes on. We will recommend an appropriate maintenance schedule in our proposal, to keep all software on the site up to date. This will be determined by the size and complexity of the site and the work required for updates. All computer systems have software that requires updating regularly to keep them secure and ensure they work properly.
  • Imagery: We often purchase images from royalty free image libraries like Some images from libraries require licences and some images are expensive as the image owner is selling them to earn an income. We are happy to swallow the cost of a few low cost images from image libraries within the overall project cost. If you want us to purchase specific high value images for your website, we will confirm the cost of the images with you before doing so and add the cost onto the project cost.
  • SSL Certificates: We can install an additional level of security onto your website called an SSL Certificate. There are three different types of certificate that suit different requirements. The standard one has a licence fee of £50 per year. When we create a proposal to build your website, we will include a quote for the SSL certificate appropriate for the site.
    What Is An SSL Certificate?

    When someone accesses a website, a connection is made between their computer and the website through which data is transmitted. For example when the visitor enters login details and passwords, when they submit an online form or when they enter payment details online they are transmitting data to the websites server. It is possible for hackers to intercept data as it passes through the connection. An SSL Certificate is an encryption tool that creates a secure session between the visitors machine and the websites server, encrypting all data that passes between the two. With cyber crime on the increase SSL Certificates are very popular and we always recommend installing one.

    Once installed, the application protocol HTTP will change to HTTPs, the ‘s’ stands for secure. Depending on the type of certificate you have and the browser you are searching on, the browser can show an image like a padlock, a green bar, the SSL Certificates logo or the word ‘Secure’ alongside the website address. The image below shows what our web address looks like when searching in Chrome. This makes it clear to the visitor that they have a secure connection to the website which builds confidence in the site. Another benefit is that Google take SSL Certificates into account when ranking websites, i.e. your ranking is improved if you have an SSL Certificate.

    Note: HTTP stands for ‘Hypertext Transfer Protocol’. It’s the protocol used by the World Wide Web for transferring text, images, video, sound etc
