Ongoing Support
Ongoing Support Includes
Content Management System so you can manage the site
We can fully manage the site for you if you wish
Content changes and updates as required
Design & functionality developments
Daily back-ups
Regular software updates
We are happy to manage your website, including making content changes when requested. We build all websites with a back-end Content Management System and can provide login details that will allow you to access the site and manage it yourself if you so wish.
See below for more on ‘Looking After Your Website’, ‘How Much It Costs & How We Charge’ and ‘Essential Maintenance’,

Looking After Your Website
Adding or changing content is straight forward and we will provide an instruction manual to help you. If you find you don’t have the time to update the site as much as you want to, we provide full support whereby we will action any change you request and charge you an hourly rate for our time.
As we do this every day we are often able to make changes a lot quicker than you will be, at least until you’ve had plenty of practice!
How Much It Costs & How We Charge
We don’t round up the time a request takes, if it takes 5 minutes, that’s what we add to the log. We charge a fee of £65 per full hour completed so at the end of a month if your requests have added up to one hour, we will send you an invoice for £65. If your requests don’t add up to an hour we will carry over the log to the next month and so on. After three months if we still haven’t completed an hours work we will send a pro-rata invoice for the time we have completed.
Essential Maintenance - Updates
We will recommend an appropriate maintenance schedule in our proposal, to keep all software on the site up to date which in turn keeps the site secure. This will be determined by the size and complexity of the site and the work required for updates.
All computer systems use software that requires updating regularly to ensure it remains secure and works properly. Hackers usually find access to websites via software that is out of date. They do this to either steal information from the site or the user, cause damage to the site purely out of mischief or malice or to take control of the site so they can use it to support other hacking activities.
To find out more about how we can help you with a new website or refreshing an existing site:
Call us on 01273 726989
Email us at